Random thoughts from James

Music Taste

For some reason I always feel insecure answering this question because I feel like I don't have "real" taste, or that my tastes are rootless or something. Neither of my parents listen to music and therefore I grew up never being exposed to music or discussing music. When I was a child and early teenager I never listened to music.

I like dancing so I obviously enjoy EDM, but I don't consider it the kind of music I would sit down and listen to. Probably because EDM tends to be quite repetative and with meaningless lyrics - it only really works if you're dancing to it.

I think the main music genre I like is pop punk. I also like some country. I think I like these genres because they're quite raw and real. I dislike rap and metal, I think they're too angsty and LARP-y, like nobody listening to this kind of music actually lives out or believes the lyrics they're listening to.

My favourite pop punk artists are Avril Lavigne and Paramore. I can listen to entire albums by both of these artists and enjoy every song. I keep trying to find other pop punk artists, but I find a lot of songs cringy or whiney, especially bands with a male frontman.

I think I need to make an effort to organize my music discovery, make it more of a structured process so I'm actually forced to try out a new band each day or something, I think right now I just apathetically browse through spotify or rely on autoplay, which results in my listening to a couple of songs by a new artist, and then just going back to listening to what I know I already like.

I also quite like Drum and Bass, all of Pendulum's albums are good, Immersion is probably my favourite.

Also I like some pop, Foxes comes to mind.

I used to buy CDs which I think was good for me beacuse it forced me to actually financially commit to buying a whole album of music from an artist, and then listening to the whole album. I think spotify makes it too easy to just apathetically swipe through music.