Random thoughts from James

Initial impressions of DOOM

I've only played 20 minutes of this game - but after going into this knowing barely anything about it, all I can say is wow - they turned testosterone into a game! Feels like I've got pure liquid tren pumping through my veins when I play this shit. Okay, joking aside (kind of not joking), it's a fun game. Feels satisfying to just kill a bunch of demons, almost relaxing in a way.

I used to disdain these kind of games growing up - my strict-ish Christian upbringing made me believe that games featuring satanic imagery were evil and would corrupt me, and I used to have moral dilemmas about simulated murder. I was also raised to just be scared of the world in general, and shun everything that didn't fit within a very narrow view of what my parents considered good and Christian.

I've become a lot more chilled out in the past few years. I've realized that maybe the world isn't so scary after all. That playing a videogame isn't going to corrupt me, that game developers aren't actually evil. That playing Doom isn't some big deal or a moral dilemma, maybe it's just a bit of lighthearted fun.